Philips Defibrillator

Providing the very best care for a loved one is a top concern for most families. This is especially important for those that have a heart condition. Heart disease is one of the biggest problems health wise facing the world today. More people die from this disease than any other in the World. When you or someone you love has this disease, it is only natural to want to ensure proper steps are taken to extend life and happiness for as long as possible.

With the advent of AEDs (automated external defibrillators), many more lives are being saved. These are not devices that are used in hospitals by doctors, but instead are found in airports, schools and other public places. They are automatic in that they will monitor the heart to make sure it needs a jolt of electricity, which will hopefully bring the person back. A lot of times the heart is too far gone, but in some cases, the AED is a perfect way to extend life and give enough time for emergency responders to arrive.

Philips Defibrillator – a Type of AED

One of the most popular types of AEDs is a Philips defibrillator. The Philips defibrillator is particularly popular because it is an affordable option and is also of very high quality. Many people have been saved via the use of a Philips defibrillator. As you think about purchasing an AED for your home or business, you should consider a Philips defibrillator.

You may be wondering how a Philips defibrillator works. Essentially, the heart is a muscle that beats and moves our blood around the body. When this muscle wears down and isn’t functioning properly, the cells of that muscle that tell the heart when to beat can go bad. These cells sometimes need help from a defibrillator to get back on course. This isn’t a solution that always works, but it can be a lifesaver some of the time. If you have a family member that is susceptible to a cardiac event (i.e. heart attack), a Philips defibrillator could save their life.

Using a Philips defibrillator

If you have a Philips defibrillator but aren’t sure how to use it, don’t worry. This type of AED is designed to be used by those that aren’t medically trained. Essentially, all you have to do is hook up the machine via pads to a patient’s chest and allow the machine to do the rest. The Philips defibrillator will monitor the heart to make sure it needs a jolt of electricity to hopefully reset the pacemaker cells of the heart. Even with this jolt and even if it works, emergency personnel are needed and should be called right after the patient is hooked to the machine. Ideally, you would have someone else to call the ambulance, while you are working with the patient. If you are the patient, you will not be able to use the machine on yourself. You would need someone there with you who will use the Philips defibrillator and call emergency responders.

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