External Defibrillator

Most people know their heart is a very important part of their body. Almost everyone knows somebody who has died from a heart attack. This isn’t surprising, given that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States! Because it is such an important organ and one that is susceptible to failure, doctors and researchers have spent millions of dollars and hours trying to find ways to keep the heart going, allowing for people to live longer, healthier lives.

This work has yielded some very helpful procedures and devices, including bypass surgeries, heart transplants, pacemakers, and defibrillators. This has allowed millions of people to live longer than they would have without these aids. Of the cardiac lifesaving measures, the defibrillator is very important, as it is an emergency device designed to kick start the heart back to working again.

How an External Defibrillator Works

As already discussed, the heart is a very important organ. When the heart gets worn out from age or is damaged for some other reason, it becomes susceptible to failure. This failure is usually called a “heart attack.” What happens during a heart attack is that a blockage of the vessels of the heart or a failure of heart muscle to contract leads to the signal sent to the heart telling it to beat is disrupted. This disruption in the signal to the heart leads to the signal not being sent properly the next beat (note the heart beats about once per second), which ultimately leads to heart failure and death.

One of the only ways doctors have been able to restart the heart after an event like this happens is by way of an external defibrillator. These are machines that work to reverse a heart failure symptom called fibrillation. The external defibrillator “shocks” the heart in a way and works to reset the signal, allowing the heart to continue to beat, assuming the damage to the heart by the blockage or muscle death isn’t too severe.

Purchasing an External Defibrillator

If you would like to keep an external defibrillator in your home or business in case there is an emergency, you should look at buying an AED (automated external defibrillator). These are machines designed for those that are not medically trained. These are great choices for those that are interested in having the lifesaving device without having to take a lot of classes.

The great thing about an automated external defibrillator is the fact it will tell you exactly how it works if and when an emergency happens. This is usually in the form of pictures or voice commands. This will help to make sure no mistakes are made. In fact, these machines are so intuitive that they monitor the heart to make sure a “shock” is the right course of action. For the most part, the machine works by itself. As you think about buying one, start by looking on the internet. If you don’t trust going online, you can consult with your doctor or other healthcare provider. But be warned, you will probably pay more money at a hospital or other local business for an external defibrillator; going online is almost always cheaper.

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